Karina is a new bride who has been married 2 months ago. All power is done with the husband's effort to quickly get momongan. One day she felt something unusual, he felt nausea, nausea. Bath scenes in sinetron, usually indicates that the pregnant woman. What is Karina already pregnant?
Sifilis or syphilis is a sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), meaning transmitted through sexual relations. Sifilis including STDs that can be cured. Sifilis is caused by bacteria that are in spirokheta, Treponema pallidum. Spirokheta this under the microscope looks like shaped spring.
How do I penularannya?
Bacteria likes to live in the mucus layer in the mouth and sexual organs. So when there is associated with both intimate smooch, penetration and oral sex can spread sifilis possible. He can diidap by men and women.
In the middle of a woman who, sifilis can transmit to the baby through plasenta. For that mother needs to undergo treatment with penicillin. If not treated, then the baby will be born soon be blind and death.
What are the signs?
There are three stages in this disease. In the first stages, the patient will be injured (ulkus) that is not painful in the vicinity of sex organs. In most women, early infection is usually seen akan recover their own, without treatment. However, 25% will go to the second stadium, who emerged a few weeks to months after the first stadium.
Stadium is the stadium that the whole body and the various organs. Patients may experience various symptoms of the manifold, and that is tersering skin berbintik red and not itchy in the hands or feet. Symptoms usually arise also fever, headache, kerontokan hair, sore throat, there are stains on the nose, mouth, and vagina. Near vagina also appear to grow as the wart. Infection in the stadium this can happen with regular contact.
After the stadium, the stadium will go to the latent, in which infections occur without signs or gejal. Stadium delitescence can take very long to 20 years until the third stadium began. During this period is usually not so infeksius.
Third stages, the bacteria attacks the entire body back and some of the symptoms are:
a. arterial large vessel (aorta) broad, cause heart disturbances
b. terbentuknya rounded swelling (nodul) in various organs called gumma
c. infection to the brain, causing structural, mental disturbances, peritonitis brain (meningitis)
d. disturbances of vision
e. interference to hearing deaf
How do I diagnosis?
Sifilis can be diagnosed with the injury and how the results are examined at the bottom of the stroke special microscope (microscope dark field view). Under the microscope, bacteria sprikoheta akan seen.
When the microscope is not available, then the diagnosis can ditegakkan with the view that typical sifilis injury.
There is also a blood test specifically for scanning sifilis the VDRL (Venereal Disease Research Laboratory) and RPR (Rapid Plasminogen Reagent). This test checks the response body against disease, not directly to the bacteria spirokheta.
Sifilis treatment depends on the stadium is ongoing. Akan dibeikan of penicillin on the length of the start and end of the stadium. When the patient is already on the complications in the brain, the need to penicillin treatment through reverse tube (vena). Antibiotics that can be used is doksisiklin and other tetrasiklin.
How to prevent?
How to prevent this disease is to avoid unsafe sex, do not keep changing partners, and always maintain the cleanliness around the sex organs.
Enty. 2007. Spirochaetaceae. Department of Microbiology Faculty of Medicine, Catholic University of Atma Jaya Indonesia: Jakarta.
Djuanda, Adhi. 2007. Skin Diseases and Sciences Sex: Sifilis. Ministry of Science Kelamin Skin Diseases Medical Faculty University of Indonesia: Jakarta.
Medicine.net http://www.medicinenet.com/syphilis_in_women/index.htm
Kamis, 07 Mei 2009
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